United Automobile Workers

Apr 04 2024

U.S. Department of Energy Announces Final Rule for Distribution Transformers, in Major Win for UAW Members

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy announced its final rule for energy conservation standards for distribution transformers, preserving over 1,000 good union jobs in Western Pennsylvania, after UAW members spoke out about the impact of the DOE’s actions. 

“Today's announcement from the Department of Energy is a victory for the 1,100 members of UAW Local 3303 in Butler, Pennsylvania,” said Jamie Sychak, President, UAW Local 3303. “It has been a very long and trying year for Local 3303 and our plant. At the outset of this rule, we faced a plant closure. As they say, that which does not kill us makes us stronger, and we’re a testament to that. We fought to protect our jobs, our plant, and our community. And today, we won. The DOE's final rule ensures a viable pathway for UAW-made steel to supply the transformer market long into the future. Throughout this process, we worked closely with Cliffs, our UAW leadership, local, state, federal officials, and the DOE to provide feedback on the proposed rule. Because of the strength of our union, labor is recognized today as a key stakeholder on the policies and decisions of our government. We are grateful that the highest levels our federal government recognize that the workers of America -- the people that make this country go -- have a voice and must be heard on the matters that affect them and our nation.” 

“Today's announcement of the final rule from D.O.E. regarding electrical steel is an absolute win for U.A.W. Local 3303 and Cleveland-Cliffs,” said UAW Region 9 Director Daniel Vicente. “Labor and Management don’t always see eye to eye -- like all relationships, disagreements exist. But when it comes to protecting American jobs and producing U.S.-made electrical steel for our critical infrastructure, UAW and Clevland-Cliffs stand shoulder to shoulder. We thank the Department of Energy for listening to the voices of our members in Butler, PA, and having a willingness to learn from our subject matter experts who actually make these products. When American working people stand together, we win."

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Contact Information

Krissi Jimroglou

Feldman Strategies, team@feldmanstrategies.com