United Automobile Workers

Jul 21 2024

UAW Statement on President Biden's Candidacy

Today, the United Auto Workers thanks President Joe Biden for his incredible term of service, and the leadership he has shown in putting country before self, once again, in passing the torch to a new generation. 

Joe Biden made history by joining us on our picket line last September and has stood shoulder to shoulder with the working class throughout his term in office. Vice President Kamala Harris walked the picket line with us in 2019, and along with President Biden has brought work and jobs back to communities like Lordstown, Ohio, and Belvidere, Illinois. That’s the legacy President Biden leaves, and that’s the work we will continue to build on as a union. While Donald Trump lies about rebuilding the auto industry, the fact is that while he was in office, autoworkers in Lordstown were left for dead by GM in 2019 while he said and did nothing. 

The path forward is clear: we will defeat Donald Trump and his billionaire agenda and elect a champion for the working class to the highest office in this country. We will speak truth to power about the issues that matter to the working class: a living wage, decent healthcare, a dignified retirement, and taking our lives and our time back. And we will Stand Up for our members and the whole working class in the fight for economic and social justice on and off the job. 

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Contact Information

Krissi Jimroglou

Feldman Strategies, team@feldmanstrategies.com