United Automobile Workers

Jan 11 2024

“United and Winning”: UAW Members Speak Out About Historic Agreement at Allison Transmission

After mounting the first major strike threat of 2024, UAW Local 933 members at Allison Transmission in Indianapolis, IN, are speaking out about their historic tentative agreement. The deal includes an end to wage tiers resulting in up to 150% wage increases for many workers, as well as major improvements to health care, retirement, and cost-of-living.

Watch UAW Local 933 members speak out about the deal at Allison Transmission in a new video released by the UAW.

“Nothing like this has happened in Allison’s history,” Local 933 Shop Chairperson George Freeman III said about the agreement. “The best thing about this; we made no concessions.”

The union’s last contract with the company expired on November 14, 2023. Local 933 members resoundingly rejected the company’s previous offer on December 1, because it failed to address workers’ core demands.

Local leaders continued to prepare workers for a potential strike, and workers were ready to walk the picket line as long as it took to win an equitable contract.

“If there wasn’t the threat of a strike, we would’ve never have gotten what we got,” said Zachary Boyd.

“The company got worried and knew that this strike would have shut down several OEMs,” said Freeman.

If ratified by Local 933 members, the wage increases in the agreement will be a life changer for many of the workers at Allison Transmission, especially for new hires, some of whom will see a 150% wage increase.

“I stay in a studio downtown and I don’t even have a kitchen,” Monique Morrison said. “Something would happen with my car, and I wouldn’t be able to pay my rent. I have not been to the eye doctor or found a primary care physician because I can’t afford it. It’s been rough.”

“We could barely afford cost of living,” said Kendra Davis. “This definitely gives us hope. We will be able to provide for ourselves and also for our families and not feel like we’re not wanted.”

“With this new tentative agreement, honestly, the entire mood has changed,” James Somerville said. “This is a career. This is a job now.”

“I don’t have to get up early and pull a whole 14-hour shift just so I can make sure that I have enough money for my bills,” Reana Cotton said.

The tentative agreement at Allison comes on the heels of the UAW’s successful Stand Up Strike at the Big Three automakers last fall, and builds on the union’s new approach to collective bargaining has inspired workers to demand a better standard of living for themselves.

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Contact Information

Krissi Jimroglou

Feldman Strategies, team@feldmanstrategies.com